Wednesday, February 9, 2011


   As far back as I can recollect,  I've been fascinated by Zombies, or more accurately, by Monsters in general...
  My scariest memory of childhood in fact ( aside from my sister Laura  running around the house, growling, looking for us under the beds...and my Father and his belt, of course!) was a movie my Mom took me to see eons ago... I don't know the title and she probably doesn't either... But it featured this bearded-guy zombie with white eyes that was pulling a marble cross out of the ground in a graveyard... Needless to say,  I was scared shitless, hiding under her sweater whenever the scenes would get really creepy...
  I  now believe that, by the visuals,  it was probably an Italian film, on the lines of an Argento, but I can't be sure and I'm nowhere near as diligent or obsessive to actually do a search...

  But the imagery stayed with me forever...As did the fear...

  Since then, of course, much has transpired... I've seen most of the Classics,  from Romero to Barker, to some modern faves like Zack Snyder, and I still find the time to read through Fangoria at my local Barnes & Noble... I'm very much endeared to the Genre...
   However,  it seems that nowadays it's all about the Teenage Vampire Sagas (Oh, Pleeease!) and the Zombie Cultural Overkill (Super Hero Zombies, for Christ sakes?!  Marvel, have a soul!), and it's just getting so ridiculous...

  And don't get me wrong...I freaking love Monster movies!

  But honestly, there's not much left of that awesome Legacy of Fear which Hollywood hasn't already cut and slashed to pieces with a corporate chainsaw and sold out in the best Slaughter House Tradition...

   And still to this day, and unbeknownst to my Mom,  whenever I'm alone in the dark  I'm always secretly plotting my escape routes or working on improvised household weaponry, in case of imminent Undead Armageddon... Or trying, unsuccessfully, to convince myself that none of it is real...

  Of course, the same argument could be raised  of Super Heroes and Comic Books in general, and the obscene commercialization they've been subjected to, but that's just another, yet similar story...

1 comment:

Cecilia García Olivieri said...

Coincido plenamente con vos, hace rato que nada me da miedo "del lindo", de ese que nos frunce el traste... A mi me ronda una historia de zombies en la cabeza, hace tiempo ya... ;)