Monday, October 3, 2011

"THE PROCESS" starring QT-12

Well, it seems since forever since my last entry... It's actually been like four freaking months, but who's counting, right?
It's not like anyone is actually checking this shit out anyway...
Although I've received a couple of hits from Tunisia and Malaysia (No doubt some people surfing for the Arab Spring websites and gotten lost along the way)...
But I guess I'll keep it up, if not for any reason other than to keep myself insane... I mean sane... Yeah, sane...

Anywho, I'm still trying to learn as much as I can without any formal training and bugging my more accumen-bestowed friends online (It's actually just one guy really... By the way, thanks Birdy!) with my stupid technical questions and absolute show of ignorance on the subject of graphic design...

Still, I procrastinate... I mean, I percevere with my delusions and continue on with my quest to...  Well, not sure what that is either , or if it's even a quest... I guess it would more accurately be described as an aspiration, maybe a vocational persuit...

Okay, most of my drawing obviously start off as pencil sketches(Easy part), which I then ink (Harder part, 'cause it takes so much effort!), scan into my PC (With a very crappy scanner... Well, the PC is pretty shitty too, to be honest) and then  proceed to try quite precariously to color it with my extremely obsolete graphic software...

And that is what I refer to as "The Process."

And here's a bad video to illustrate... I created this robot for an idea I have for a comic book and did a series of coloring exercises, ran it through some filters and gave it a simple background... I named it QT-12...
Yeah, I know, totally lame...
The song's cool though (Love you Alpinestars!)...


And that wasn't rethorical, but it might be sarcastic, depending on the circumstances and your reaction to my video... 



Anonymous said...

Cool, nice and clean job. I really like it. Keep goin bro, yoou`re on the way. D-la

Cecilia García Olivieri said...

Excelente Nana!!! El video está genial. Sabés qué me gustaría ver en The Process? Your pencil drawing... eso debe ser un alucineeee!!!!