Friday, December 9, 2011


  Well, I'm back at it again after a while off the grid, to use a John Connor euphemism (Am I correct in using that term?  Is it even applicable?  Oh, well, always wanted to use it in a sentence, so there!)...
  At any rate, I've been applying myself,  trying to get better at my "craft", playing with different ideas, working on my color palettes (limited as they are) and overall keeping myself busy with my characters and improving my design skills...
  No real paying job yet, I'm afraid, and no illusions of getting any in the field anytime soon, but attempting every day to muster enough inspiration and hopeless faith in my creations to keep it going, albeit not in a speedy fashion, as you may have noticed...

  However, since my last entry I've managed to pull together a new series of drawings that I've dubbed my "L.A.Aliens", and basically consist of several extraterrestrial creatures, mostly to humorous effect, that I've pasted to random pics I've taken from my urban surroundings here in Los Angeles...

  The topic of illegal entry or undocumented entities living amongst "us" is very latent in our society but seldom approached without the whole political baggage and/or nasty discriminatory postures normally associated with it...
  I though it could be very interesting, provocative and (why not?) even amusing to play with the idea that here, in our country, we always fear that which is foreign or unknown, always attempting to fend it off and surround ourselves with the familiar, without realizing that, unbeknownst to us, these alien elements are already here, all around us! (And thankfully so, I might add!)

  And so, this fellow came into being... The Interstellar Tagger, my first creature in the series...

  Also, a couple of my friends (which is to say, just one a-hole!) which had seen my "early years stuff" mentioned that I'd somehow departed from my original style and was doing mostly the humanoid animal shtick... 
  Of course, as I'd mentioned in earlier posts (way, way earlier!), the idea was for me to initially take baby steps, practice in a matter of sequential exercises and eventually, gradually, increase my graphic prowess...

  If that has been the case, I leave for you to decide... But I have began to create more complex pieces and intend to continue doing so in my hapless quest for artistic betterment (Is that even a word? Hope it is!)...

  So here they are for your dubious enjoyment...  All of them have already been posted to my Facebook account for quite some time under my pseudonym, L.A.NaNa, of course...

  Until next time...

  Bye! (Feel free to leave a comment... I'm dying out  here!)








1 comment:

Cecilia García Olivieri said...

No te detengas ni para tomar impulso, Nana querida!!! Estás haciendo un excelente trabajo. Por cierto, tu serie de iPod es Fabulosa también!!! Tengo ganas de imprimir cuatro para colgar en la pared de casa!!!